日青(ft. Fiona Apple)
原本預報的壞天氣轉瞬晴朗,彷彿偷偷偷到一點陽光。 決定散步回家。 喜歡早晨醒來,看著妳沈靜的睡臉。依偎。 兩個人在一起,什麼都是加倍的,加倍的安定與快樂, 即便日子忙碌疲累,人卻很篤定。 一只被牢牢拉住的風箏。 和朋友聊起大陸八0年代民歌,聊起老狼, 那首「睡在我上舖的兄弟」和「同桌的妳」, 記得憨厚的他愛情長跑多年修成正果笑得開懷的婚照。 之前有人送我高曉松「青春無悔」的專輯, 老狼和葉蓓的歌聲總讓人墮入白衣飄飄的純情年代。 你說收到的咖啡豆捨不得喝 我說蔡李陸賣的曼巴自陳是正宗愛情的味道,我輩中人實在都該品嚐一下阿。 約定都別太早實現得好,如此人生總是繼續等待與期待 好想看山看海聽浪聽妳.... 聽到你的決定於是安心,要乖乖的。 叼起我的斗,作功課燃燒腦袋去。 ※Fiona Apple, Why Try To Change Me Now, in VA, "The Best Is Yet To Come-The Songs Of Cy Coleman," 2009. 最近被她的聲音深深電到…… Why Try To Change Me Now I'm sentimental So I walk in the rain I've got some habits That I can't explain Could start for the corner Turn up in Spain Why try to change me now I sit and daydream I've got daydreams galore Cigarette ashes There they go on the floor I go away weekends And leave my keys in the door But why try to change me now Why can't I be more conventional People talk People stare So I try But that's not for me Cuz I can't see My kind of crazy world Go passing me by So let people wonder